
Hello one and all, my name is Chris and my team and  i are Internet entrepreneurs We develop mobile apps and love to help people like you  achieve there dreams. If you have a dream and believe that you have the next airbnb, whatsapp or facebook idea then we would love to develop that app  for you. We can do this for free and will split the  adsense revenue with you. Everyone has great ideas: Doctor, Teacher, Airline pilot, accountant, Plumber, sales professional, beauty technician, Businessmen etc. They all have great ideas. Remember, Thomas Alva Edison, Wright Brothers , Steve Jobs were all tinkerers who worked on their ideas and changed the world. Your Passion: All you need is an idea and passion to make it successful. You will be responsible for marketing and business development of the app. We will help you there by advising on what works well to get user traction.Our Execution: We handle everything. We will evaluate the idea, Help you create differentiation, build awa
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